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Mind Hacking - The Relationship Breakthrough Edition
Relationship Breakthrough Beta
001 - Introduction (7:51)
002 - The Three Attractors (7:30)
003 - The Attraction Point Audit (2:53)
004 - What's in Your Attraction Point (9:50)
005 - What's Your Archetypes of Attraction
005b - Emotional Programming (5:34)
006 - Understanding and Identifying Split Energy (7:37)
007 - Focus Work (5:00)
008 - Changing your programming (12:17)
009 - Reprogramming Beliefs - part I (6:14)
010 - Reprogramming Beliefs - part II (4:48)
011 - Reprogramming Emotions (6:37)
012 - Now What (4:27)
Relationship Breakthrough - Tools
Audio 1: Feeling and Releasing
Audio 2: Inner Child Work
Polarity Processing Exercise for Split Energy
Reframing Exercise for Belief Shifting
Reality Pivot Exercise
EFT/Tapping - Explained (4:27)
EFT/Tapping - Not Good Enough (6:08)
EFT/Tapping - Powerless / Lack of Control (6:18)
EFT/Tapping - Abandonment (5:48)
EFT/Tapping - Hurt (5:46)
EFT/Tapping - Unsafety (6:14)
EFT/Tapping - Anger (4:07)
Reality Pivot Exercise
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